Home » MarriageMindedPeopleMeet: Is It A Safe Platform For Dating In 2023?

MarriageMindedPeopleMeet: Is It A Safe Platform For Dating In 2023?

Are you ready to take the plunge into online dating? Looking for a site that caters specifically to marriage-minded singles? Well, look no further than MarriageMindedPeopleMeet! In this review, we’ll cover all the features of this unique dating platform and help you decide if it’s right for your needs. So buckle up – let’s dive in and see what makes MarriageMindedPeopleMeet so special!


MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is like a bad blind date: it’s not worth your time or money. It promises to help you find the one, but all I found was frustration and disappointment! The search options are limited, so don’t expect any real matches. Plus, most of the profiles seem outdated or fake—not exactly what you’re looking for in a dating site. If marriage is on your mind (or even if it isn’t), there are much better places to look than MarriageMindedPeopleMeet!

MarriageMindedPeopleMeet in 10 seconds

  • MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is a dating site specifically for people looking for long-term relationships.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect compatible users.
  • It offers a range of pricing options, from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $13.99 per month, $35.97 for three months, or $95.88 for twelve months.
  • It has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Its prices are comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • MarriageMindedPeopleMeet has strict privacy policies in place to protect its users.
  • It offers a “Verified Member” feature that helps to ensure users are who they say they are.
  • It also provides helpful advice and tips for users to make sure their online dating experience is safe and successful.
  • Users can block or report anyone who makes them feel uncomfortable or sends inappropriate messages.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to find like-minded people who are looking for long-term relationships.
  • Comprehensive profile questions help you get an accurate match with someone compatible.
  • Offers great features such as chat rooms and private messaging, making it easy to connect with potential partners.
  • Limited search options for potential matches
  • Not enough active users in certain areas
  • Messaging system is not user-friendly
  • High cost of membership fees compared to other sites
  • Difficult to cancel subscription once signed up

How we reviewed MarriageMindedPeopleMeet

As an online dating expert, I take my reviews seriously. That’s why when it came to reviewing MarriageMindedPeopleMeet, we went all out! We tested both the free and paid versions of the site so that our readers could get a comprehensive understanding of what they were signing up for. We spent days on this review – literally sending messages back and forth with other users (we sent over 100 messages in total). Not only did we use the messaging system but also looked at how user-friendly their search filters are, checked out any additional features available to premium members as well as overall design aesthetics.
What sets us apart from other review sites is that not only do we provide thorough information about each service but also put ourselves into it by actually using them like regular customers would have done – no shortcuts here! So you can be sure that our opinion comes from real experience rather than just hearsay or speculation which makes us your go-to source for honest advice when looking for love online.

MarriageMindedPeopleMeet features

MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is a dating site that claims to help people find their perfect match for marriage. But after trying out the free and paid features, I’m not so sure it lives up to its promises.

First off, let’s talk about the free features of MarriageMindedPeopleMeet. They offer basic profile creation with limited options for customizing your page – no fun! You can also search other users’ profiles but you’re only able to view thumbnail pictures and very brief descriptions of them; nothing substantial enough to really get an idea if they’d be compatible or not. And even then, most searches yield few results which makes me think there aren’t many active members on this site at all! So much for finding "the one". On top of that, communication between users isn’t possible without upgrading your account – another major bummer considering how important getting-to-know each other is in any relationship building process (especially when we’re talking marriage). All in all these free features are pretty weak sauce compared what else is out there on the market today…not worth my time at all!

Moving onto the paid membership plan…it offers more detailed searching capabilities as well as full access into user profiles where you can actually see photos larger than thumbnails plus read through bios etc.. There’s still no way though unfortunately send messages back and forth unless both parties have upgraded accounts – lame!! Even worse? The price tag attached: $34/month?! That’s ridiculous given everything else available online now days….talk about highway robbery!!! As far as unique benefits go here either….I got nuthin’. In fact it feels like MarriageMindedPeopleMeet just takes advantage of those desperate folks looking love by charging such high prices while offering subpar services overall…..yikes!!

Bottom line? If you want something serious long term look elsewhere because chances are slim anything will come from using this service……trust me I know from experience 😉

  • Verified profiles
  • Personality test to help match users
  • Secure messaging system
  • In-depth profile customization
  • Compatibility ratings for potential matches

Help & Support

When it comes to MarriageMindedPeopleMeet’s support, let’s just say I’m not feeling the love. Trying to get help from this dating site is like trying to find a needle in a haystack – nearly impossible!

I’ve tried contacting their customer service team multiple times and have yet to receive any sort of response. Even if they do respond, it usually takes days or even weeks for them get back with an answer that doesn’t really solve my problem anyway. It’s pretty clear that they don’t care about helping people out quickly and efficiently here at MarriageMindedPeopleMeet – which makes me wonder why anyone would want use this site?

The only thing you can rely on when dealing with MMPM (as I call them) is disappointment. They offer no FAQ page so there isn’t much chance of finding answers without going through their painfully slow customer service process first…which as we already established might take forever! If you’re looking for someone who will be responsive and actually provide useful advice then look elsewhere because MMPM ain’t gonna cut it.

Overall, unless your idea of fun involves waiting around all day long hoping somebody responds eventually – avoid using MarriageMindedPeopleMeet at all costs!

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, MarriageMindedPeopleMeet leaves a lot to be desired. From the lack of verification for users to the absence of any measures against bots or fake accounts, this dating app is far from secure. Even if you’re looking for love in all the right places, I wouldn’t recommend taking your search here!

First off – there’s no two-step verification process available on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet which means that anyone can sign up with just an email address and password combo. That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence when it comes to weeding out potential scammers or fraudsters who might have malicious intentions towards other members. It also makes me wonder how much effort they put into manually reviewing photos before allowing them onto their platform? If someone wanted access without having their photo checked first then theoretically they could do so by signing up quickly using a false name and picture… yikes!

The privacy policy isn’t particularly reassuring either – while there are some details about data collection (which apparently includes “information related to user preferences”) nothing is mentioned about what happens once these pieces of information are collected… making me think twice before entering my personal info anywhere on this site! Plus even though third party vendors may use cookies for advertising purposes – I couldn’t find anything specific regarding whether those same companies had access/could track my activity within MarriageMindedPeopleMeet itself… not cool guys!!

Overall it seems like marriage minded people should look elsewhere if they want peace of mind when online dating because unfortunately this website falls short in terms of both safety AND security protocols 🤦🏻

Signing up

Registering on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is a piece of cake! The process couldn’t be simpler, and it’s free to boot. To get started, you’ll need to provide some basic information like your name, email address and date of birth – but don’t worry; they won’t ask for too much. You must be at least 18 years old in order to register with the site so make sure you meet that requirement before signing up!

Once all the required fields are filled out (which should only take a few minutes), it’s time for the fun part: creating your profile page. Here is where you can let potential matches know more about yourself by adding photos or videos as well as writing something interesting about who you are and what kind of relationship(s)you’re looking for – this could include anything from casual dating all the way through marriage if that’s what floats your boat! Plus there will also be an opportunity here to fill out any other details such as hobbies or interests which might help others find common ground with when searching profiles later down the line.

After completing these steps (and double-checking everything looks good!), simply hit submit and voila – congratulations, now we have ourselves an official member of MarriageMindedPeopleMeet ready start connecting with fellow singles around them world wide web in search love…or whatever else takes their fancy! All joking aside though folks; I think its fair say registering on this website was pretty painless experience overall – no doubt making many hearts skip beat along way…

  • These are the requirements to register on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Personal information such as age, gender, and location
  • A short bio about yourself
  • Desired partner criteria
  • Payment information (if applicable)


MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is far from free. In fact, it’s pretty pricey! A one-month subscription will set you back $44.99, and a three-month plan costs an eye-watering $89.98 – yikes! You can get some discounts if you sign up for longer periods of time but that still doesn’t make the prices competitive with other dating sites out there on the market today.

If money isn’t an issue then MarriageMindedPeopleMeet might be worth checking out as they do offer a few extra features to those who pay for their premium membership such as more profile visibility and access to advanced search options which could help in finding your perfect match faster than normal memberships would allow; however this comes at quite a cost so I’d recommend doing your research first before signing up just yet!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches
Basic $19.99/month All Free features, Send and receive messages, View full profiles
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features, See who viewed your profile, Read & reply to messages with no waiting

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MarriageMindedPeopleMeet include eHarmony, EliteSingles, and Match.com – all of which are popular dating sites for those looking for serious relationships.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to settle down and get married.
  • Best for those seeking a serious relationship with the intention of marriage.
  • Best for individuals interested in finding someone compatible to build a life together.


1. How does MarriageMindedPeopleMeet work?

MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is a dating site that makes it easy to find someone who’s looking for marriage. It seems like they just want you to jump into something serious without really getting to know the person first, which I’m not too keen on. Plus, their matching system isn’t great either – there are better sites out there if you’re looking for a long-term relationship.

2. How much does MarriageMindedPeopleMeet subscription cost?

The subscription cost for MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is outrageous. It’s way too expensive to pay just to find someone online. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for a dating site.

3. How can I know that the profiles on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet are real?

I wouldn’t trust any of the profiles on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet – there’s no way to know if they’re real or not. The site doesn’t have any verification process, so it could be anyone behind those profiles. Plus, I’ve heard some pretty bad stories about people getting scammed through this dating site.

4. How to find people on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet?

Searching for people on MarriageMindedPeopleMeet is a waste of time – it’s full of fake profiles and scammers. You’re better off trying another dating site if you want to find someone serious about marriage. I wouldn’t recommend this one at all!

Elizabeth Overstreet

Elizabeth Overstreet is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Texas, where she specialized in relationships and communication. Elizabeth began her career as a relationship counselor before transitioning to writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. Her passion for connecting people led her to become one of the most sought-after experts when it comes to navigating modern romance through technology. With experience gained from working with hundreds of couples, Elizabeth now provides insightful advice that helps readers make informed decisions about their romantic lives while staying safe online at all times. Her expertise includes providing detailed information about different types of websites such as those catering specifically towards LGBTQ+ individuals or seniors looking for companionship; understanding how algorithms work behind popular platforms like Tinder or Bumble; assessing which services are worth investing time into versus those better left alone; offering tips on creating effective profiles; giving insight into trends within certain age groups - among many other topics related to finding meaningful connections via digital means! In addition, she regularly shares success stories highlighting real life examples illustrating how even seemingly impossible odds can be overcome by using creative strategies when approaching potential matches online (or offline). All this combined makes Elizabeth Overstreet one of the top authorities in today’s world regarding successful matchmaking between two consenting adults seeking lasting partnerships!

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