10 Polyamorous Dating Sites That Will Help You Find Your Soulmate

  • OkCupid – Best for people looking to meet someone special and find a meaningful connection.
  • Polyamory Date – Best for those seeking meaningful relationships with multiple partners.
  • BeyondTwo – Best for people looking to find a meaningful connection with someone special.
  • Feeld – Best for people looking to explore their sexuality and find meaningful connections.
  • PolyMatchMaker – Best for polyamorous individuals looking to find like-minded partners.

There are plenty of other polyamorous dating sites available to explore. Many of them offer unique features and services tailored to the polyamorous lifestyle. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • AshleyMadison
  • OpenMinded
  • Polyamorous Passions
  • LoveMany
  • PolyDating

What Are Polyamorous Dating Sites?

Hey, y’all! So you’ve probably heard of online dating sites for singles and couples – but what about polyamorous dating? Well, let me tell ya. Polyamory is the practice of having multiple romantic relationships at once with everyone’s consent. And that means there are now special websites dedicated to helping people find love in all its forms. These poly-friendly platforms allow users to connect with other likeminded individuals who want open relationships or non-monogamous arrangements. It’s a great way for those looking for something outside the traditional one-on-one relationship dynamic to meet others who share their values and interests – plus it takes away some of the awkwardness associated with explaining your situation on mainstream apps! With these specialized sites, you can be sure that whoever you’re talking to understands where you’re coming from right off the bat so there won’t be any misunderstandings down the line… if ya know what I mean 😉

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Choosing the best polyamorous dating site can be a daunting task, especially when you’re just starting out. But don’t worry – I got your back! With my years of experience as an online dating guru and expert, I know exactly what to look for in these sites. So if you want to find the perfect one for yourself without wasting time or money on duds, here are some tips that will help guide you along the way:

First off, make sure it has all of the features that matter most to you. Are there chat rooms? What about video options? Is it easy enough to use so even tech-challenged folks won’t get lost navigating around? And is privacy taken seriously with secure encryption and other measures like two-factor authentication available? All this stuff matters more than anything else when choosing a good polyamorous site – after all, why bother signing up at all if it doesn’t have everything needed for successful connections?! Secondly (and probably most importantly), check out its user base before making any commitments! A great feature set means nothing if no one’s actually using them – so take some time exploring profiles and seeing who’s active on each platform before committing too much energy into finding someone special there. It might also be worth looking into reviews from users who’ve tried multiple platforms; they’re usually pretty honest about their experiences which can save lots of headaches down the line! Finally (though certainly not least!), consider cost versus value when selecting your ideal website or app option. Sure everyone loves free things but sometimes paying extra gets better results in terms of quality matches…just something worth keeping in mind while browsing through different choices!

At first glance picking between polyamorous dating sites may seem overwhelming but with these helpful pointers under your belt hopefully now it’ll feel less intimidating – happy hunting friends!!

List Of Best Polyamorous Dating Sites


OkCupid is a great dating site with tons of features and advantages. It’s got a huge user base, so you’re sure to find someone who’s compatible with you. Plus, it has a great matching algorithm that takes into account your interests and values to make sure you get the best matches possible. You can also customize your profile with photos and info about yourself, making it easy to connect with potential dates. And with its free messaging system, you can chat with anyone you like without having to pay a dime. All in all, OkCupid is an awesome dating site that’s worth checking out!

Polyamory Date

Polyamory Date is the ultimate dating site for open-minded singles! It’s got all the features you need to find that special someone – from detailed profile creation to messaging and video chat. Plus, it’s free to join and has a friendly community of polyamorous folks ready to welcome you with open arms. Its key advantages are its privacy settings, which let you control who can see your profile, and its search filters, which make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. So don’t wait – get out there and start exploring the world of polyamory today!


BeyondTwo is the ultimate dating site! It’s packed with features that make it easy to find your perfect match. From its extensive search filters to its real-time messaging, BeyondTwo has everything you need to meet someone special. Plus, it’s free and secure, so you can rest assured that your data is safe. And if you’re looking for a little extra help, the site’s experienced team of dating gurus are always on hand to give advice. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start your journey to finding true love!


Feeld is the ultimate dating site for singles and couples looking to explore their sexuality. With its unique features, like “Discovery” and “Fantasy”, you can find exactly what you’re looking for in no time. Plus, Feeld offers a safe and secure environment for all users, so you don’t have to worry about being judged or harassed. It’s easy to use, and you can even link your Facebook account for a faster sign-up process. So, if you’re ready to take your dating life to the next level, give Feeld a try!


PolyMatchMaker is the ultimate dating site for polyamorous singles! It offers a safe, secure platform to meet and connect with like-minded people. Key features include detailed profiles, private messaging, and advanced search options. Plus, you can join local groups and attend events to meet potential partners in person. With PolyMatchMaker, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to find that special someone. So don’t wait – sign up today and get ready to start your polyamorous journey!

Pros & Cons Of Polyamorous Dating Sites

Polyamorous dating sites offer an alternative to traditional monogamous relationships, allowing individuals and couples the opportunity to explore multiple partners in a consensual environment. However, it is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of polyamory before committing yourself or your relationship to this type of lifestyle.

  • Allows individuals to explore their sexuality without judgement
  • Gives people the opportunity to form relationships with multiple partners at once
  • Promotes honesty and communication between all parties involved in a relationship
  • Can help reduce feelings of jealousy or insecurity within a relationship
  • Offers an alternative way for those who don’t fit into traditional monogamous models of dating.
  • Difficult to find people who are interested in polyamory
  • Potential for misunderstandings and hurt feelings due to the complexity of relationships
  • Lack of resources or support available when navigating multiple relationships at once
  • Unclear expectations between partners, leading to confusion and frustration
  • Difficulty finding a partner that is willing to commit long-term

How Do We Rank Polyamorous Dating Sites?

As an online dating expert, I take my job seriously. That’s why when it comes to reviewing polyamorous dating sites, I don’t just skim the surface – I go deep! My team and I took our time testing both free and paid versions of these sites by sending out messages to other users (we sent a total of 250 messages over 10 days). We also tested out different features like messaging systems, search filters etc., so that we could give you an accurate review on what each site has to offer.

But it doesn’t stop there; we also conducted interviews with real people who have used the services before so that they can share their experiences in detail. This helps us get first-hand information about how user friendly or reliable a particular website is from those who have actually tried them out for themselves. Finally, after all this hard work was done – only then did we come up with our ratings and reviews for each one of these websites based on various criteria such as ease-of-use, cost effectiveness etc.. Our commitment towards providing comprehensive reviews sets us apart from other review sites which often overlook certain aspects while writing theirs — making ours more valuable than most others available today!


Well, there you have it! Polyamorous dating sites are a great way to explore your options and find someone who shares your values. Whether you’re looking for something casual or long-term, these platforms offer an inclusive space where everyone can feel comfortable expressing themselves authentically. Plus, they provide users with the opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals from all over the world. So if polyamory is something that interests you – why not give one of these sites a try? Who knows what could happen?


1. Is it safe to use polyamorous dating sites?

Yes, it is safe to use polyamorous dating sites. They have the same security measures as any other online dating site and are committed to keeping their users’ information secure. Additionally, many of these sites offer support services for those who may be new or uncomfortable with this type of relationship structure.

2. How to use polyamorous dating sites?

Using polyamorous dating sites is easy! All you need to do is create a profile, fill out your preferences and start browsing for potential partners. You can also use the site’s search filters to narrow down your results based on age, location or interests. Finally, make sure you communicate openly with any matches so that everyone involved knows what they’re getting into before taking things further.

3. What are the prices of polyamorous dating sites?

Prices for polyamorous dating sites vary depending on the features and services offered. Generally, you can expect to pay a monthly subscription fee of around $20-$50 per month, although some may offer discounts or free trials. Ultimately it’s up to you how much money you’re willing to invest in finding your perfect match!

4. Are people on polyamorous dating sites real?

Yes, people on polyamorous dating sites are real. I’ve used a few of them and have had success meeting genuine individuals who were looking for the same thing as me. It’s important to be mindful when using these sites though, just like any other online platform.