Home » Amor en Linea: Should You Give It A Try?

Amor en Linea: Should You Give It A Try?

Are you ready to find love? Or at least, your next fling? Well, if so then Amor en Linea might be the perfect place for you! But is it really as good as they say it is? Is there something better out there that we don’t know about yet? Let’s take a closer look and see what this dating site has to offer. From user experience to safety features – let’s dive in and get all the details on Amor en Linea!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that will give you the runaround, then Amor en Linea is definitely your ticket. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! I’ve tried it out and let me tell ya – there are better ways to spend your time and money. The search feature is unreliable at best, so don’t expect any miracles when using it. Plus, most of the profiles seem outdated or fake which makes finding someone genuine nearly impossible! Save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this one – trust me on this one!

Amor en Linea in 10 seconds

  • Amor en Linea is an online dating site.
  • It uses a proprietary matching algorithm to connect users with compatible matches.
  • It offers both free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $9.99/month to $34.99/month.
  • It also has an app available for download on iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Amor en Linea is competitive compared to other sites on the market.
  • It provides users with a secure platform to communicate with their matches.
  • It also allows users to verify their profiles using a selfie.
  • It offers a unique “Crush” feature that lets users show interest in potential matches.
  • It also has a video chat option for users who want to get to know each other better.
  • Amor en Linea offers 24/7 customer support to ensure users have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Amor en Linea is easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a wide range of features for users to find their perfect match.
  • The site has an extensive database with plenty of potential matches from all over the world.
  • The profile setup process is long and tedious.
  • Not enough users in certain areas to make it worthwhile.
  • Search filters are limited, making it hard to find the right match.
  • Limited messaging options for free memberships.
  • Matching algorithm isn’t as accurate as other dating sites’.

How we reviewed Amor en Linea

When it comes to reviewing Amor en Linea, we take our job seriously. We wanted to make sure that our readers get the most comprehensive review possible so we went above and beyond with testing both free and paid versions of this dating site. To start off, my team spent a total of 10 days sending messages on Amor en Linea – in fact, each one of us sent at least 100 messages during that time! This allowed us to test out how quickly users respond as well as what kind of conversations you can have when using the platform. Additionally, we also tested all features available such as messaging tools (e-mailing/chatting), search filters etc., making sure they are working properly and providing accurate results for our readers’ convenience. Finally – since security is an important factor when choosing a dating website -we took extra steps by verifying user profiles manually through phone calls or emails before writing up reviews about them which really sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews like ours do!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Amor en Linea, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to providing users with helpful assistance. I tried contacting their customer service a couple of times and got nothing back – not even an automated response! And forget about finding any kind of FAQ page on their website; they don’t seem to think that people might need help navigating the site or understanding how things work around here.

It’s really too bad because having access to good customer service can make all the difference in terms of getting what you want out of an online dating experience – especially if there are technical issues involved like forgotten passwords or profile problems that need fixing ASAP! But alas, Amor en Linea seems content leaving its customers high and dry without so much as a "howdy doo" in response time.

It also doesn’t help matters that this particular platform isn’t exactly user-friendly either; between all those confusing popups and ads trying to get me sign up for premium services (which I’m sure would be great…if only they’d answer my emails!), it feels more like wading through quicksand than actually using a reliable piece software meant for connecting people together romantically speaking.

All jokes aside though, if you’re considering joining this particular community then just know going into it: You won’t find any real support here should something go wrong along the way – which is why we recommend checking out other sites instead where at least someone will take notice when your inbox starts filling up with questions begging answers!

Amor en Linea features

Amor en Linea is a dating site that promises to bring you the love of your life. Unfortunately, it falls short in delivering on its promise.

First off, let’s talk about the free features – or lack thereof! The only thing available for free users are basic profile creation and limited messaging capabilities. That means no swiping through potential matches nor any sort of advanced search options; basically nothing more than creating an account and sending messages back-and-forth with other members who have also created accounts (which isn’t really much fun). Even if someone does manage to find a match they like using these meager tools, there’s still no way for them to communicate outside of Amor en Linea without upgrading their membership status – which brings us nicely onto our next point…

The paid subscription fees are pretty steep too: up to $30 per month depending on how long you sign up for! And what do those hefty payments get you? Not very much at all actually… You can view full profiles instead of just partial ones as well as access some additional communication channels such as video chat and instant messenger services but apart from that there aren’t many unique features worth mentioning here. Plus even after paying out this amount each month most people will still be stuck trying their luck with random strangers rather than being able pick specific individuals based on mutual interests or shared values etc., so overall I’d say not great value for money either way unfortunately…

To sum things up then: Amor en Linea may offer plenty when it comes down quantity but sadly lacks severely in quality compared against similar sites out there today – leaving me feeling less ‘in love’ with this one than others around right now anyway..

  • Ability to search for potential matches based on location, age, interests, and other criteria
  • Free registration and access to basic features
  • Live chat with other members
  • Ability to send virtual gifts
  • Advanced search options for more specific results

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that has the look and feel of something from the early 2000s, then Amor en Linea is your go-to. The colors are garish, with bright blues and pinks clashing against each other in an eyesore of design. It looks like someone threw up all over their computer screen! As far as usability goes it’s not much better – navigating around can be confusing at times due to its outdated layout.

When it comes to features there isn’t too much on offer either; most require a paid subscription before they become available which may put off some users who don’t want to invest money into finding love online (not everyone has cash burning holes in their pockets!). There have been some UI improvements since upgrading but nothing major enough that would make me recommend this website above any others out there – sorry Amor en Linea!

Overall I wouldn’t give two hoots about using this site if I was single again – or even if I wasn’t come to think of it! Its dated design coupled with limited features makes me question why anyone would choose this platform when so many more modern options exist today? If you’re desperate for love maybe try elsewhere because chances are you won’t find what your heart desires here…

Signing up

So, you’re thinking of joining Amor en Linea? Well, buckle up because I’m about to take you through the registration process. Before we get started though, just a heads-up that this site is for those aged 18 and over – so if you don’t meet the minimum age requirement then it’s time to look elsewhere!

The good news is that signing up with Amor en Linea won’t cost ya anything – yep, free as a bird. All they need from your end are some basic details like name and email address; nothing too intrusive or personal at this stage. You can also choose whether or not to add in an optional profile photo right away (I’d recommend adding one). Once all these steps have been completed successfully your account will be activated automatically – no waiting around here!

Now comes the fun part: creating your dating profile on Amor en Linea. Here’s where things start getting interesting…you’ll be asked questions about yourself such as what type of relationship(s) are you looking for (e.g., serious/casual), how old are you etc.? It might seem daunting but trust me when I say it doesn’t take long before everything starts falling into place – after all who knows better than YOU what kind of person would make an ideal match?! Plus there’re plenty helpful hints along the way which should help speed things up even more if needed…so don’t worry too much 😉

Finally once all sections have been filled out satisfactorily simply hit ‘submit’ et voila!, job done! From here onwards its smooth sailing towards finding love online with access granted immediately upon completion meaning no further delays between registering and starting off on exciting new adventures with potential matches across continents!! So why wait any longer?? Get signed-up today & join thousands already enjoying success stories galore courtesy of their newfound friends found via none other than….Amor En Línea!!!

  • These are the requirements to register on Amor en Linea:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • A profile picture
  • An account username and password
  • Agreement to the terms and conditions


If you’re looking for love on Amor en Linea, be prepared to pay up! This dating site is far from free and the prices aren’t competitive either. Sure, there are some benefits of getting a paid subscription – like access to exclusive features and increased visibility in search results – but it doesn’t make up for the cost. Plus, even with a membership you still have limited messaging capabilities so don’t expect any miracles here! All in all, this website isn’t worth your hard-earned cash; save yourself some money by steering clear of Amor en Linea.

| Plan | Price (Monthly) | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Amor en Linea include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. These sites offer similar features such as the ability to search for potential matches based on interests or location.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those seeking casual dating or friendship.
  • Best for singles of all ages, from young adults to seniors.


1. Is Amor en Linea free?

No, Amor en Linea is not free. You have to pay for the premium version in order to get access to all of its features. I wouldn’t recommend it – there are much better dating sites out there that don’t require you to pay a fee.

2. How much does Amor en Linea cost?

Amor en Linea is way too expensive for what it offers. It’s not worth the money, especially when there are other free dating sites out there. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to spend their hard-earned cash on this site.

3. How many users does Amor en Linea have?

Amor en Linea has a huge user base, which is both good and bad. On one hand it’s great to have so many potential matches but on the other hand there are too many users for me to really feel like I’m getting quality matches. It can be overwhelming trying to sift through all of them!

4. How can I contact Amor en Linea?

You can contact Amor en Linea by visiting their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a sketchy dating site and you never know who you’re talking to. Stay away from this one if possible!

David Tian

David Tian is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. He has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since his college days, when he first became interested in the world of digital romance. A graduate from Harvard University, David's education gave him insight into how relationships work both offline and online - something that helped shape his career path as an authority figure in the field of modern day courtship. His academic background also allowed him to gain valuable knowledge about human psychology which he applies to help others navigate through their romantic lives more effectively. With over 10 years' experience under his belt, David now shares this expertise by providing helpful advice via blog posts or podcasts on topics such as building healthy relationships, creating meaningful connections with potential partners using technology-based tools like video chat or social media platforms; all while emphasizing safety measures one should take before meeting someone face-to-face for the first time. He has even written several books related to finding success in virtual matchmaking! In addition to being a published author who regularly contributes articles for major publications including The Huffington Post & Elite Daily Magazine; David runs seminars across North America where attendees can learn tips & tricks directly from him regarding how they can make their own experiences better when it comes to seeking out new romances either locally or abroad!

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