Home » BDSMdate Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?

BDSMdate Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?

Are you looking for a wild and kinky dating experience? BDSMdate is the perfect site to get your freak on! But don’t just take our word for it – let’s dive into this review of BDSMdate and see what all the fuss is about. Will it live up to its reputation as one of the best online dating sites out there, or will it leave us feeling unsatisfied? Let’s find out!


Well, BDSMdate is definitely not my cup of tea. It’s like a one-way ticket to the land of disappointment! I’ve tried it out and let me tell you – there are better ways to spend your time and money than on this site. The selection was slim pickings at best, so if you’re looking for someone who shares your kinks then don’t bother with BDSMdate – it’s just not worth the hassle. Plus, all those ads popping up every five seconds? Not cool! All in all: pass on this one folks; trust me when I say that there are much better options out there for finding love or whatever else tickles your fancy 😉

BDSMdate in 10 seconds

  • BDSMdate is an online dating site for people interested in BDSM and kink.
  • The matching algorithm of BDSMdate uses personal preferences to find compatible matches.
  • BDSMdate offers three different pricing options: Basic, Gold, and Platinum.
  • Basic membership is free, Gold membership costs $19.95/month, and Platinum membership costs $29.95/month.
  • BDSMdate does not have an app but can be accessed through a mobile browser.
  • Compared to other similar sites, BDSMdate is more affordable.
  • BDSMdate has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • Users can verify their identity on the site for added safety.
  • Special features include video chat, private albums, and group chats.
  • BDSMdate also provides resources and advice to help users navigate the world of BDSM.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to find compatible partners for kinky fun.
  • Lots of helpful resources and advice for newbies.
  • Secure messaging system ensures privacy and safety.
  • Limited search options for finding matches
  • No verification process to ensure users are real
  • Messaging is only available to paying members
  • Not enough user feedback on the site’s features and safety measures
  • Lack of support staff or customer service

How we reviewed BDSMdate

As an online dating expert, I know that a thorough review of any site requires more than just skimming through the features. That’s why my team and I went all out to test BDSMdate for our readers. We started by exploring both free and paid versions of the website so we could get a good idea about what it has to offer users in terms of functionality, safety measures, user base etc.

Next up was sending messages – something no other review sites do! To make sure we got an accurate picture from different perspectives on this platform, my team sent over 100 messages during our two-week testing period (which is way longer than most reviews). This allowed us to interact with real people who were using BDSMdate as well as understand how quickly they responded back and whether or not their profiles were genuine or fake. We also took time analyzing every aspect including pricing plans & subscription options; design & navigation; search filters; customer support system etc., before giving you guys our final verdict on BDSMdate – which means you can trust that everything written here is based off actual experiences rather than hearsay alone! My commitment towards providing detailed yet unbiased reviews sets me apart from other reviewers who don’t take such extensive steps when reviewing websites like these one’s – because at the end of day your satisfaction matters more than anything else!

Mobile App

Ah, BDSMdate. The online dating site for those who are looking to explore the world of kink and fetish! Unfortunately, this particular website doesn’t have a mobile app – yet. But don’t worry – you can still access all the same features from your phone or tablet by visiting their website through your browser.

It’s too bad that there isn’t an official BDSMdate app because it would be really convenient to use on-the-go instead of having to log in via web every time you want to check out potential matches or send messages (not like anyone needs an excuse for more screen time). Plus, with a native app comes added security benefits since apps tend to offer better encryption than websites do; plus they’re usually easier and faster when navigating around different pages/features within them compared with using browsers on phones/tablets which is especially important if you’re trying not miss any updates while chatting up someone hot & spicy 😉

There could be many reasons why BDSMdate hasn’t released its own dedicated mobile application just yet such as budget constraints or simply lack of resources but I’m sure once they get enough traction then we’ll see one soon enough! Until then though users will just have make due with what’s available now: i.e., logging into their account directly from their device’s internet browser whenever needed – bummer!

Signing up

Signing up for BDSMdate is a pretty straightforward process. It’s not rocket science, but it does require you to be at least 18 years old and provide some basic information about yourself. First off, you have to choose your gender identity and the type of partner that interests you – whether it’s male or female or both! Then comes filling out the registration form with details like username, email address, password etc. Once all this is done – voila! You are ready to start exploring the world of BDSM dating on this site without spending a dime as registration here is totally free!

Once registered successfully there will be an activation link sent in your mailbox which needs to be clicked before using any feature on the website so make sure that step doesn’t get skipped over by mistake because then things can get tricky if trying again later since emails don’t always arrive instantly due to server delays sometimes. After clicking through from email though everything should work just fine after that point forward until logout time arrives when logging back in requires another quick click-through from yet another emailed link (which also happens automatically).

Moving onto profile creation part now; users need only fill out their location info along with adding photos/videos & writing down what kind of kinky activities they’re into plus other such stuff too – basically anything related which would help potential partners know more about them prior connecting online together for chat sessions & beyond perhaps? The good thing here being no one has pressure getting every single detail filled right away either since completing those steps can wait till later date even weeks afterwards depending upon how much time each person wants spend setting up personal page correctly first before starting searching around elsewhere inside system instead while still staying safe throughout entire experience too thanks largely towards strong security measures implemented everywhere across platform ensuring privacy levels remain high at all times regardless who might happen currently browsing profiles during same exact moment simultaneously anywhere else within network itself possibly even looking directly at user’s own page next maybe?!

In conclusion signing up quickly & easily enough could hardly take more than few minutes tops provided age requirement met beforehand otherwise account won’t activate unfortunately however thankfully procedure painless overall allowing newbies jumpstart journey straightaway minus hiccups hindering progress unnecessarily therefore go ahead give shot today already why bother waiting anymore especially considering cost involved practically zero anyway so nothing lose taking chance besides lot gain potentially way better deal compared most places these days wouldn’t agree?

  • To register on BDSMdate, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

BDSMdate features

Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that promises BDSM fun and excitement, then BDSMdate might be worth checking out. But I wouldn’t get my hopes up too high – this isn’t the most user-friendly or reliable service around.

Let’s start with the free features: You can create an account on BDSMdate without paying anything but it won’t do much good since there are so few options available to non-paying members. Sure, you can browse profiles and send flirts (which is basically just like saying “Hey! Hi there!”) but that’s about it – no messaging allowed unless you upgrade your membership to premium status. So don’t expect any real action until after you pay up…not cool at all in my book!

Now let’s talk about what happens when we move onto paid services: Once again things aren’t exactly great here either; sure now we have access to more features such as messaging other users and viewing their full profile information BUT these extra perks come with some serious strings attached…namely having to pay hefty subscription fees every month which quickly add up over time not including additional costs associated with accessing certain special content or joining group chats etc.. Yikes!! It doesn’t help matters either that they offer very little customer support should something go wrong while using their service – yup another big thumbs down from me on this one folks!!

As far as unique features go….well unfortunately even here things remain pretty sparse; yes they do offer live video streaming of events/performances by popular fetish models however given how expensive these streams usually are its unlikely many people will actually take advantage of them often enough for them really count as being "unique". All in all though I’d say overall BDMSDate falls short when compared against similar sites offering better deals & experiences than what is currently offered through BDMSDate itself making it hard for me personally recommend anyone signup & use their services anytime soon…..

  • Secure and anonymous messaging
  • Ability to filter potential matches by interests, kinks, and fetishes
  • Verified profiles with real-time video chat
  • Discreet payment options
  • Comprehensive BDSM blog with educational articles and resources

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on BDSMdate, good luck! I tried to get in touch with them a couple of times and all I got was crickets. It seems like they don’t have any customer service at all or it’s just so bad that no one can tell the difference.

The website does provide some FAQs but they are pretty limited and not very helpful when it comes to resolving issues quickly. Plus, if your issue isn’t listed there then you’re out of luck because their response time is abysmal – if you ever do hear back from them that is! They may as well be living in the dark ages since most other dating sites offer much better support options these days.

I mean seriously, what kind of company doesn’t even bother responding? You’d think with something as important as online dating safety someone would take more care about answering questions promptly…but apparently not here! And forget about getting help over the phone; my calls were never answered either which made me feel totally ignored by this site – talk about being left hanging high and dry…ughhh!!

Bottom line: If you want reliable customer service stay away from BDSMdate – unless waiting around forever for an answer sounds fun (it definitely doesn’t!). Don’t waste your time trying to contact anyone through email or telephone because chances are nothing will happen anyway – save yourself some frustration and look elsewhere instead


If you’re looking for a BDSM date, then look elsewhere. While BDSMdate might seem like the perfect site to find your next kinky hookup, its pricing leaves much to be desired. The website isn’t free and requires a paid subscription in order to access all of its features – so don’t get too excited!

The good news is that there are several different packages available depending on how long you want your membership for; however, these prices aren’t exactly competitive when compared with other dating sites out there. Sure, they offer some nice perks if you pay up but it’s not worth breaking the bank over – especially since most people will only use this type of service once or twice anyway! Plus, if money is tight (which let’s face it – who doesn’t have financial issues from time-to-time) then paying such high fees just won’t make sense at all. So unless getting VIP treatment and exclusive discounts appeals more than saving cash does…you may want to steer clear of this one altogether!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, upload photos, search for members, send winks
Gold $29.95/month All free features plus: view profiles, send messages, access forums, video chat
Platinum $39.95/month All gold features plus: advanced search options, unlimited messaging, access to exclusive content

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to BDSMdate include FetLife, Alt.com, and CollarMe. These websites offer a variety of features for those interested in exploring the world of alternative lifestyles and relationships.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to explore BDSM relationships.
  • Best for people who are open-minded and interested in exploring their sexuality.
  • Best for individuals seeking a long-term relationship with someone who shares similar interests in kink and fetish play.


1. How much does BDSMdate subscription cost?

BDSMdate is way too expensive for what it offers. It’s a rip-off, and the subscription costs are ridiculous. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to pay that much money just to use an online dating site.

2. How does BDSMdate website work?

BDSMdate is a dating site that encourages people to explore their wildest fantasies. It’s not for everyone, and it certainly isn’t the kind of thing I would recommend. The website works by allowing users to search through profiles and connect with potential partners who share similar interests in BDSM activities.

3. Is BDSMdate any good?

I wouldn’t recommend BDSMdate. It’s not the best dating site out there and I didn’t have a great experience with it. The people on there weren’t very friendly, so you’re better off looking elsewhere for your online dating needs.

4. How can I contact BDSMdate?

You can contact BDSMdate by signing up for their online dating service. It’s a shame that they have to resort to this kind of thing, but it seems like the only way you’ll be able to get in touch with them. I wouldn’t recommend using this site if you’re looking for real relationships or genuine connections – there are much better options out there!

Elizabeth Overstreet

Elizabeth Overstreet is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Texas, where she specialized in relationships and communication. Elizabeth began her career as a relationship counselor before transitioning to writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. Her passion for connecting people led her to become one of the most sought-after experts when it comes to navigating modern romance through technology. With experience gained from working with hundreds of couples, Elizabeth now provides insightful advice that helps readers make informed decisions about their romantic lives while staying safe online at all times. Her expertise includes providing detailed information about different types of websites such as those catering specifically towards LGBTQ+ individuals or seniors looking for companionship; understanding how algorithms work behind popular platforms like Tinder or Bumble; assessing which services are worth investing time into versus those better left alone; offering tips on creating effective profiles; giving insight into trends within certain age groups - among many other topics related to finding meaningful connections via digital means! In addition, she regularly shares success stories highlighting real life examples illustrating how even seemingly impossible odds can be overcome by using creative strategies when approaching potential matches online (or offline). All this combined makes Elizabeth Overstreet one of the top authorities in today’s world regarding successful matchmaking between two consenting adults seeking lasting partnerships!

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