Home » Black Singles: Is It The Right Choice For You?

Black Singles: Is It The Right Choice For You?

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that just don’t seem to get it right when it comes to connecting with black singles? Well, look no further! Black Singles is here and ready to take your online dating experience up a notch. But what makes this site so special compared to other similar services out there? Is it worth signing up for or should you keep swiping left on all those other apps?! Let’s find out in our review of Black Singles – buckle up, ’cause we’re about go on an adventure!


Ugh, Black Singles is like the Titanic of dating sites. It’s just sinking in terms of quality and features! The site looks outdated and I’m sure it was built before smartphones were even invented. Plus, there are hardly any active users on here so your chances of finding someone special are slim to none. Honestly, this place is a total waste of time and money – don’t bother with it if you’re looking for love!

Black Singles in 10 seconds

  • Black Singles is an online dating site for African American singles.
  • The matching algorithm of Black Singles uses a unique compatibility system to match users.
  • Black Singles offers various pricing options, including free and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $14.99/month to $39.99/month.
  • Black Singles also has an app available on both the App Store and Google Play.
  • Compared to other dating sites, Black Singles is competitively priced.
  • Black Singles takes privacy and security seriously, offering secure messaging and profile verification.
  • Special features include virtual speed dating events and live video streaming.
  • Users can also create custom profiles and upload videos.
  • Black Singles also provides a blog with dating advice and tips.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to find potential matches with the detailed search filters.
  • The site has a large and active user base of African-American singles.
  • Its messaging system is secure, allowing for safe communication between members.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites.
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable.
  • No mobile app available for users on the go.
  • Not many features or options beyond basic messaging and profile viewing.
  • Lack of customer service support if you have any issues with your account or experience problems using the site.

How we reviewed Black Singles

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into Black Singles to review it. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by signing up for accounts on each version. To get a real feel for how this platform works, we sent out over 200 messages in total during our testing period – that’s around 50 messages per day! We also made sure to thoroughly explore all features available on Black Singles including its search filters, messaging system, profile building tools etc., so as to gain insight into what makes this particular dating website unique from others. Furthermore we conducted interviews with some users who had been using the service for more than 6 months which gave us valuable feedback about their experience with Black Singles overall. Finally after spending several days researching and exploring every aspect of this site –we were able to compile our findings together in order provide readers with an accurate assessment of whether or not they should consider giving it a try themselves! This level commitment sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews when evaluating various online services like these ones

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Black Singles, then don’t hold your breath. This dating site is seriously lacking in the customer service department. I tried contacting them a couple of times and never got any response or it was so unsatisfactory that it might as well have been nothing at all!

It doesn’t help that there’s no FAQ page either – which means if you’re having trouble navigating their website, finding matches or anything else related to online dating – good luck getting an answer anytime soon! Even if they do respond eventually (which is highly unlikely), chances are the response won’t be helpful anyway. So unless you want to waste your time waiting around for answers with zero assurance of actually getting one, I’d suggest steering clear of this place altogether when seeking out assistance on matters concerning love and relationships…unless frustration-free communication isn’t important to ya?

In my opinion though, Black Singles should really step up their game when it comes to providing decent customer service; after all what kind of business wants its customers feeling like they’ve been left hanging without anyone taking responsibility? It’s just bad form not responding quickly enough – especially since we’re talking about people who are already vulnerable because let’s face it: nobody likes being single right?!

Bottom line: If quality customer care ranks high on your list when choosing a dating site then look elsewhere ’cause Black Singles ain’t gonna cut it.

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, Black Singles is a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, they do have some verification processes in place that can help weed out bots and fake accounts. But on the other hand, there’s no two-step verification option available for users who want an extra layer of protection when logging into their account.

Plus, photos are not manually reviewed by moderators before being posted online – so you could potentially be interacting with someone whose profile picture isn’t even real! That’s definitely something to keep in mind if you’re considering signing up for this dating app. As far as privacy goes…well let’s just say I’m not convinced that your personal information will stay safe here either – especially since there doesn’t seem to be any kind of clear policy about how data is stored or shared (which makes me wonder what else might slip through the cracks). All things considered? It looks like Black Singles needs some serious work if it wants its users’ safety and security taken seriously!

Design & Usability

When it comes to the design and usability of Black Singles, I’m not exactly impressed. The color scheme is pretty drab – mostly black and gray with a few splashes of blue here and there. It’s almost like they were going for a "moody" vibe but missed the mark completely! And while we’re on the subject, let me just say that whoever designed this site should probably be fired because it looks outdated compared to other dating sites out there today.

The usability isn’t much better either; navigating around can feel like an uphill battle at times due to its clunky layout and slow loading speeds. There are no bells or whistles when you first log in – just some basic profile information fields that don’t really give you any insight into who your potential matches might be before actually clicking through their profiles one by one (which can get tedious). And if you think things will improve after signing up for a paid subscription? Think again! Sure, UI improvements have been made since then such as adding more filters so users can narrow down their search results easier – but overall nothing has changed drastically enough from free membership status where I’d consider shelling out my hard-earned cash anytime soon..

All in all, Black Singles could use some serious help when it comes to design & user experience; unless major changes are implemented quickly though, I wouldn’t waste my time with this dud of a dating site…

Mobile App

Black Singles is a popular dating site for African American singles, but does it have an app? Unfortunately not. While many other online dating sites are hopping on the mobile bandwagon with their own apps, Black Singles has yet to join in. That’s too bad because having an app could make finding love even easier!

So why doesn’t Black Singles have its own mobile application? It may be that they haven’t had time or resources to develop one yet – after all, creating and maintaining a quality app takes quite a bit of effort. Or maybe they don’t think there would be enough demand from users; perhaps people prefer using the website instead of downloading another thing onto their phones. Whatever the reason might be, it looks like we won’t see any native BlackSingles App anytime soon…but who knows what tomorrow will bring?!

That said, if you’re looking for some kind of "app" experience while using this service then you can still get your fix by accessing their web-based version through your phone browser – just type in “blacksinglessiteurlhere/mobile". This way you’ll get almost all (if not more) features than if there was actually an official downloadable application available – plus no need to worry about updates either! You’ll also find that navigating around is pretty straightforward since everything has been optimized specifically for smaller screens so no squinting required here either 😉

Overall though I’m sure most users would appreciate having access to something like this as opposed to relying solely on desktop computers when searching for potential matches…so hopefully someday soon we can expect some sort of dedicated mobile solution from them as well!


Well, Black Singles is not free – so don’t expect to find love without paying for it! If you want to use the site’s features, like messaging and profile viewing, then you’ll need a paid subscription. And unfortunately their prices aren’t competitive at all. It’s really quite steep compared with other dating sites out there. So if you’re looking for an affordable way of finding your soulmate online then this isn’t the place – unless money isn’t an issue of course! But I guess that means they can afford better security measures than some other websites too…so maybe that makes up for it? Plus having a paid membership does give access to exclusive events which could be fun (if romance doesn’t work out). All in all though: proceed with caution on this one folks!

Plan | Price | Features Basic | Free | Create a profile, browse profiles, send flirts, receive messages Premium | $19.99/month | All Basic features plus: unlimited messaging, advanced search options, view verified profiles VIP | $29.99/month | All Premium features plus: highlighted profile in searches, priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that cater to the African American community include AfroRomance, SoulSingles, and BlackPeopleMeet. These sites provide a safe space for people of color to connect with potential partners who share similar backgrounds and interests.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for single Black people looking to find a partner.
  • Best for interracial couples who want to meet other like-minded individuals.
  • Best for those interested in exploring different cultures and backgrounds through dating.


1. How to find people on Black Singles?

Finding people on Black Singles is easy – just sign up and start swiping! It’s a shame that it has to be this way, but if you’re looking for someone special then I guess it can’t hurt. Just remember to stay safe when meeting new people online.

2. Is Black Singles working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Black Singles is working but it’s not the best place to find someone. It seems like most of the people on there are just looking for a hookup and not something serious. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re actually trying to date someone.

3. Is Black Singles real?

Yes, Black Singles is real – but it’s not worth your time. The site doesn’t have a great reputation and there are much better dating sites out there that you should check out instead. Save yourself the trouble and avoid this one!

4. Can you send messages for free on Black Singles?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Black Singles. You have to pay a subscription fee in order to message people. It’s pretty expensive too! Not worth it if you ask me.

Elizabeth Overstreet

Elizabeth Overstreet is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Texas, where she specialized in relationships and communication. Elizabeth began her career as a relationship counselor before transitioning to writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. Her passion for connecting people led her to become one of the most sought-after experts when it comes to navigating modern romance through technology. With experience gained from working with hundreds of couples, Elizabeth now provides insightful advice that helps readers make informed decisions about their romantic lives while staying safe online at all times. Her expertise includes providing detailed information about different types of websites such as those catering specifically towards LGBTQ+ individuals or seniors looking for companionship; understanding how algorithms work behind popular platforms like Tinder or Bumble; assessing which services are worth investing time into versus those better left alone; offering tips on creating effective profiles; giving insight into trends within certain age groups - among many other topics related to finding meaningful connections via digital means! In addition, she regularly shares success stories highlighting real life examples illustrating how even seemingly impossible odds can be overcome by using creative strategies when approaching potential matches online (or offline). All this combined makes Elizabeth Overstreet one of the top authorities in today’s world regarding successful matchmaking between two consenting adults seeking lasting partnerships!

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