Home » datematch Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

datematch Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

Are you ready to take the plunge into online dating? Well, let’s dive in and review datematch! This popular dating site promises to help singles find their perfect match. But is it really worth your time and money? Does it live up to its hype or will you be left disappointed? Read on for an honest assessment of this matchmaking service – no sugarcoating here!


Datematch is like a bad blind date – you know it’s not going to work out from the start. It’s a total waste of time and money! The matches are so off-base that I’m convinced they just randomly pick people for me. Plus, their customer service is terrible; every time I’ve had an issue with my account, no one has been able to help me out. All in all, datematch isn’t worth your while – steer clear if you want any chance at finding love online!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The algorithm takes into account users’ preferences, interests, and location to find the most compatible matches.
  • Pricing options include free basic membership and premium subscriptions starting at $9.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile boosting.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • When compared to other dating sites, datematch offers competitive pricing.
  • Datematch takes user privacy and security seriously with strict policies in place to protect users.
  • Special features include anonymous chat rooms and video profiles.
  • Users can also set up custom filters to narrow down their search results.
  • The site also offers safety tips and advice to help users stay safe while using the platform.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate interface.
  • Quick sign up process with minimal information required.
  • Comprehensive search filters for finding the perfect match.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • Not enough detailed information on user profiles
  • No way to filter out incompatible users
  • Unclear safety policies and measures in place
  • Complicated sign-up process

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a thorough process to review datematch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for accuracy, ease-of-use, features available on each version as well as customer service response time. We took our time sending messages to other users in order to test out how quickly they responded back – we sent over 500 messages within two weeks! Additionally, we made sure that all user profiles were up-to date with accurate information about themselves so that people can find their ideal match without any issues or confusion. To ensure our reviews are comprehensive and reliable for readers who may be considering using this platform in future;we also spent some extra effort by reading hundreds of real user feedbacks from various forums before giving it a final rating score based on its performance across multiple criteria such as safety & security measures taken by datematch etc.. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites which don’t offer such detailed insights into platforms like these.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with decent support, look elsewhere. Datematch is definitely not the place to go if you need help or have questions. The response time is abysmal and I’ve contacted them multiple times without ever getting an answer – let alone one that was satisfactory!

It seems like they don’t really care about their users since there isn’t even a page of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on their website. That would be such an easy way to provide quick answers but it looks like someone forgot to tell them that this exists… It’s almost as if they just want us all gone so we won’t bother them anymore! Sighing in frustration, I tried my luck again by emailing customer service directly – only for nothing to happen yet again… No reply whatsoever after waiting days and days? Unbelievable! Even when people do get responses from datematch’s team, it usually takes ages before something happens; no wonder why most folks give up at some point during the process.

To make matters worse, many reviews online suggest that any feedback sent via email will likely end up ignored completely or answered with generic copy-paste replies which are often unhelpful at best and downright rude at worst… Talk about bad customer service skills right?! Not cool guys… not cool at all!!

Bottom line: If your priority is having access to good quality support then steer clear of datematch because trust me -you’re better off finding another option out there than wasting your time trying fruitlessly here..

Mobile App

Ah, datematch. It’s the go-to dating site for many singles out there looking to find that special someone. But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to tell you all about it!

Yes indeedy, datematch has its very own mobile app – and what an awesome one at that! The native iOS and Android apps are free to download from their respective stores so no matter which device you’re using (iPhone or Android) you can take your search on the go with ease. And boy is this handy when those butterflies start fluttering in your stomach as soon as they match with somebody new – just whip out your phone and get chatting right away! Plus, if something isn’t quite going according to plan then don’t worry; simply delete the conversation thread before things get too awkward… The main advantage of having a dedicated mobile app like this is convenience; users can now access their profile whenever they want without needing any extra equipment or software updates etc., meaning more time spent searching for love rather than trying desperately not to break anything important on their laptop/desktop computer by accident… oopsie daisy! That being said though sometimes these types of apps tend be slightly glitchier than desktop versions due various technical issues but luckily enough datematch seems pretty solid overall so far – fingers crossed anyway eh?!

Overall I’d say that having such an accessible platform definitely helps give potential matches some much needed peace of mind knowing they won’t miss out on any opportunities while still maintaining control over who sees them online etc.. So yeah basically whether single or taken everybody should check it out ASAP because trust me when I say there really ain’t nothing better than finding true love via good ol’ fashioned technology nowadays amirite?!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, I’d suggest steering clear of datematch. While it may seem like an attractive option at first glance, its safety and security measures leave much to be desired.

For starters, there’s no verification process in place – so anyone can sign up with any information they want (or even none at all). This means that bots and fake accounts are rampant on the platform – not exactly ideal if you’re hoping to find someone real! And while two-step verification is available as an extra layer of protection when logging into your account from new devices or browsers, this isn’t mandatory either; meaning many users don’t bother using it. As far as photos go – forget about having them manually reviewed before being posted; datematch doesn’t do that either! So basically anything goes here… which could lead to some pretty unpleasant surprises down the line. Yikes! On top of that their privacy policy leaves something to be desired too – there have been reports of user data being shared without permission or consent in the past… not cool at all.

All things considered then? It’s probably best just give datematch a miss altogether if you value your online safety and security…

datematch features

Ugh, I’m not sure what to make of Datematch. On the one hand, it’s a dating site that promises users they’ll find their perfect match – but on the other hand, its features leave something to be desired.

Let’s start with the free version: you can create an account and browse through profiles without paying anything… which is nice if you’re just window shopping for potential dates or trying out online dating in general. But when it comes down to actually using Datematch for real-life connections? You might as well forget about it! Free members are limited in how many messages they can send per day (a measly three!), so unless your dream date happens to message you first – good luck making any meaningful connections here! Plus there’s no video chat feature available at all… talk about taking away from those face-to-face vibes we all crave while getting acquainted with someone new! And don’t even get me started on their matching algorithm; let’s just say I wouldn’t trust them finding my soulmate anytime soon…

Moving onto paid membership: yes this does give access more messaging options than free accounts do – but come on now, who wants another subscription fee added into our already packed monthly budgets?! Not only that but compared with some of its competitors’ offerings like personalized coaching sessions and detailed profile feedback services etc., Datematch falls short yet again – hardly inspiring confidence among serious daters looking for love. What kind of unique features could possibly keep people coming back? None whatsoever really…unless maybe having a “superpower mode" counts as being special these days!? Ughhh….I think NOT!!

Overall then? It seems clear enough why most singles have been giving up hope after signing up here; between its lackadaisical approach towards customer service & lackluster user experience offered by both versions –free AND paid–Datematch simply isn’t worth anyone’s time or money right now….sorry guys!!

  • Matching algorithm based on user preferences and compatibility
  • Private messaging and chatrooms for users to communicate
  • Ability to create and join groups with similar interests
  • Ability to browse profiles of potential matches
  • Ability to filter potential matches by location, age, gender, etc.


Ugh, Datematch. I’m not a fan of their pricing model at all! Sure, you can sign up for free and browse around the site but if you want to actually use it – like send messages or view profiles – then that’s gonna cost ya. It’s definitely not one of those "free" dating sites; they make sure to charge an arm and a leg for any kind of subscription package they offer. And while there are some benefits to getting the paid version (like seeing who liked your profile), it doesn’t really seem worth it when compared with other similar services out there on the market today. The prices aren’t competitive either so overall I’d say steer clear from this one unless you’re willing to shell out big bucks just for basic features!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to datematch, there are plenty of other dating sites available. Popular options include eHarmony, Match.com, and OkCupid. Each site offers its own unique features that may better suit your needs than what is offered on datematch.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to meet someone special
  • Best for singles who want to explore the dating scene
  • Best for people seeking a long-term relationship


1. How can I know that the profiles on datematch are real?

Datematch doesn’t have any verification process so you can never be sure if the profiles are real or not. It’s really sketchy and I wouldn’t trust it for finding someone genuine. You’re better off looking elsewhere for a dating site that takes security seriously.

2. Is datematch a scam?

No way! Datematch is definitely not a scam. I’ve been using it for months and have had nothing but positive experiences with the site. It’s actually one of my favorite dating sites out there, so don’t worry about getting scammed – you’re in good hands here!

3. Does datematch have a mobile app?

No, datematch doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing since it would make the dating process so much easier. It’s pretty lame that they don’t offer this feature yet.

4. How to register for datematch?

Registering for datematch is a total hassle – you have to fill out tons of information and upload photos. It’s like they’re trying to make it as difficult as possible! Plus, the verification process takes forever. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend signing up with them if you can help it.

David Tian

David Tian is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. He has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since his college days, when he first became interested in the world of digital romance. A graduate from Harvard University, David's education gave him insight into how relationships work both offline and online - something that helped shape his career path as an authority figure in the field of modern day courtship. His academic background also allowed him to gain valuable knowledge about human psychology which he applies to help others navigate through their romantic lives more effectively. With over 10 years' experience under his belt, David now shares this expertise by providing helpful advice via blog posts or podcasts on topics such as building healthy relationships, creating meaningful connections with potential partners using technology-based tools like video chat or social media platforms; all while emphasizing safety measures one should take before meeting someone face-to-face for the first time. He has even written several books related to finding success in virtual matchmaking! In addition to being a published author who regularly contributes articles for major publications including The Huffington Post & Elite Daily Magazine; David runs seminars across North America where attendees can learn tips & tricks directly from him regarding how they can make their own experiences better when it comes to seeking out new romances either locally or abroad!

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