Home » Feeld – Is It Worth It?

Feeld – Is It Worth It?

Ready to take your dating life up a notch? Look no further than Feeld – the modern, inclusive dating app that’s shaking things up! But is it really worth all the hype? Is this just another one of those “too good to be true” apps or does it actually deliver on its promises? Let’s find out in our review of Feeld.


Feeld is like the middle child of dating apps. It’s not as popular or flashy as some of its siblings, but it still has a lot to offer. Sure, you won’t find any bells and whistles here – no swiping left or right for example – but if you’re looking for something different from your typical online dating experience then Feeld might be just what the doctor ordered! The app allows users to explore their sexuality in a safe environment without judgement so that they can make meaningful connections with others who share similar interests. Plus, there are plenty of options available when it comes to finding potential matches; whether you’re into threesomes or polyamory relationships – Feeld has got your back! So don’t write off this underrated gem just yet – give it a try and see how things go!

Feeld in 10 seconds

  • Feeld is a dating app that helps people find matches based on their preferences.
  • The matching algorithm of Feeld uses a combination of factors such as location, interests, and more to help users find the perfect match.
  • Feeld offers both free and premium subscriptions with different pricing options.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month for a 1-month subscription and $6.99 per month for a 6-month subscription.
  • Feeld also has a website which provides additional features such as chat rooms and profile customization.
  • The pricing of Feeld is competitive compared to other similar apps on the market.
  • Feeld offers strong privacy and security measures such as end-to-end encryption and user verification.
  • Users can also set up private albums to share photos with their matches.
  • Feeld also has a “Feeld Stories” feature which allows users to post stories about their experiences on the app.
  • Lastly, Feeld also has a “Discover” feature which allows users to browse profiles anonymously.

Pros & Cons

  • Feeld makes it easy to find like-minded people for dating or friendship.
  • The app is simple and intuitive, making the user experience enjoyable.
  • It has a wide range of features that make finding your perfect match easier than ever before.
  • It can be hard to find matches in smaller cities.
  • Some users may not take the app seriously enough.
  • There is no way to filter out incompatible profiles from your search results.

How we reviewed Feeld

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into Feeld to give readers the most comprehensive review possible. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this app for over two weeks, sending hundreds of messages to other users in order to get an accurate picture of what it’s like using Feeld. We also examined all features available on the platform such as its search filters, messaging options, profile customization tools etc., making sure that we covered every aspect that might be important when considering whether or not this is the right dating app for you.

We wanted our review process to go beyond just giving opinions about Feeld; so we went further by looking at user reviews from around the web (including Trustpilot) and comparing them with our own experiences while testing out different aspects of this service. This allowed us to draw conclusions based on real data rather than simply relying on personal opinion alone – something which sets us apart from many other sites who don’t offer such thorough reviews! Finally after collating all information gathered during our extensive research period – including feedback received directly from members – we were able compile a detailed report outlining everything there is know about how effective (or ineffective!) using feeld can be when trying find love online!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for an online dating experience that isn’t quite like the rest, Feeld might be worth a try. It’s not your typical swipe-right app, but it does have its perks and quirks.

The profiles on Feeld are public which means anyone can view them without signing up or logging in – so if privacy is important to you then this may not be the best option for you. You can set a custom bio when creating your profile but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any way of hiding location info from other users (which could make things awkward depending on who else is using the app). There also isn’t any indication of how far away someone is located from another user – so if distance matters to you then this might prove tricky too! On the plus side though, those with premium subscriptions get access to additional features such as seeing who has liked their profile and having more control over visibility settings etc., which could come in handy when trying out something new like Feeld. I didn’t encounter any fake profiles while testing out the site either – always a bonus!

All-in-all it’s okay at what it does; nothing spectacular but definitely passable enough compared with some other apps out there these days…you know what they say: “if ain’t broke don’t fix it!"

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers something different, Feeld might be worth checking out. But don’t expect the best when it comes to their support system. It’s okay, but not great – and here’s why:

First off, there isn’t an obvious way to access customer service on the app itself or on its website; no contact info listed anywhere! After some digging around online I found out that users can reach them via email if they have any questions or concerns about using Feeld. Unfortunately though, response time is pretty slow so don’t count on getting help right away – in my experience it took at least a couple of days before I got any kind of reply from them (which was only after sending multiple emails). On top of this there doesn’t seem to be much information available either – like FAQs pages with commonly asked questions and answers which would save everyone involved lots of time…and headaches! So yeah overall not too impressed with how accessible their customer service is unfortunately.

That said however if you do decide to give Feeld a try then hopefully your experience will go more smoothly than mine did as far as accessing support goes…fingers crossed anyway!

Signing up

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers something different, Feeld might be worth checking out. It’s free to use and the registration process is surprisingly straightforward. To get started, all you need is an email address and your age – but bear in mind that this isn’t one of those apps where just anyone can join; users must be at least 18 years old before they can create an account.

Once you’ve confirmed your details, it’s time to start building up your profile! You’ll need to add some basic information about yourself like gender identity (Feeld allows for non-binary genders) as well as a few pictures so potential matches know who they’re talking too. This part takes only a few minutes since there are no long questionnaires or anything like that required by Feeld – phew! Then comes the fun bit: creating what’s known on Feeld as “desires” which let other members know exactly what kind of connection(s) you want from using the app whether it be friendships or romantic relationships etc.. After adding these desires (which may take longer than expected if someone has specific interests!) then voila -you have officially registered with Feeld! Now go forth into whatever wild adventures await…

To sum things up here are 8 requirements needed when registering with feeld:

• Must provide valid email address • Must confirm age above 18 • Add basic info such as gender identity • Upload several photos • Create "Desires" • Confirm Terms & Conditions • Agree Privacy Policy  • Accept Push Notifications

  • To register on Feeld, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location

Feeld features

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers something a little different, Feeld might be worth checking out. It’s not the best option on the market but it has some unique features that could make it an interesting choice.

Feeld is free to use and includes several features like messaging, photo sharing, and profile customization. You can also search by location or age range if you want to find someone near you or in your preferred age group. The app also allows users to create groups with other people who share similar interests so they can meet up in person or just chat online about their favorite topics. The paid version of Feeld adds more options including advanced filters and unlimited messages as well as access to premium content such as exclusive events hosted by the company itself! This makes finding potential dates even easier since all members have access to these extra perks without having any special membership status required – nice! Plus there are no ads either which means less distraction from what really matters: meeting new people!

Another cool feature on Feeld is its “Explore Mode” which lets users browse through profiles anonymously without anyone knowing who they are until both parties agree upon contact information exchange – this way everyone feels safe while still being able explore possibilities freely (which I think we can all appreciate). There’s also an interactive game called "Icebreakers" where two players answer questions about themselves then see how compatible their answers match up – fun stuff indeed!

All things considered though, I wouldn’t say Feeld is my top pick when it comes down selecting a dating platform; however if anonymity combined with lots of customizable settings sounds appealing then maybe give them try? Afterall at least now know what kind of experience awaits should decide take plunge into virtual romance land 😉

  • Ability to create a profile as an individual or couple
  • Ability to filter potential matches based on gender, orientation, and relationship status
  • Discreet profile option for those who want to remain anonymous
  • Private chat feature to facilitate conversations with potential matches
  • Option to join group chats with other Feeld users


Feeld is an okay dating app when it comes to pricing. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s also far from being the most expensive one out there. The basic version of Feeld is free, which means you can get started without having to spend a dime! However, if you want access to all its features and tools – like unlimited swipes or seeing who has liked your profile – then you’ll need a paid subscription.

The prices for Feeld are competitive compared with other similar apps on the market; they offer three different plans that range from $9.99 per month up to $29.99 per month depending on how long-term your commitment will be (3 months or 12 months). If you’re looking for something more than just casual flirting then investing in a premium plan could definitely pay off since this unlocks exclusive benefits such as advanced filters and better matchmaking algorithms so that finding someone compatible becomes much easier! Plus, these subscriptions come with customer support should anything go wrong during your online dating journey – now isn’t that worth paying extra for?

Overall I’d say Feeld does alright in terms of pricing – nothing too fancy but still enough options available so everyone can find something suitable within their budget range…

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Apps

If you’re looking for an alternative to Feeld, there are plenty of other dating apps available. Popular options include Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and OKCupid. Each app offers its own unique features and user experience so it’s worth exploring a few before deciding which one is right for you.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Grindr

Best for

  • Best for couples looking to explore non-monogamy.
  • Best for people interested in kink and BDSM relationships.
  • Best for singles who are open to polyamorous dating.


1. Is Feeld safe?

Feeld is generally safe, but it’s not the most secure dating app out there. I’ve used Feeld before and had a good experience, but if you’re looking for extra security then I’d recommend going with another option. All in all though, Feeld can be an okay choice depending on what you’re looking for.

2. How to use Feeld without paying?

Feeld is a decent option for online dating, but you can’t access all the features without paying. You can use it to create your profile and browse potential matches, however messaging other users requires an upgrade. If you’re looking for free options there are plenty of alternatives out there that don’t require payment.

3. How does Feeld work?

Feeld is a dating app that lets you meet new people, but it’s not the most user-friendly. It can be confusing to navigate and match with potential dates, so if you’re looking for something more straightforward I’d recommend checking out other options. That said, Feeld does offer some unique features that could make it worth trying out!

4. How much does Feeld cost?

Feeld is an okay choice for online dating, but it’s not the best. It does have a free version, but if you want to access more features then there are some costs involved. Overall though, Feeld isn’t too expensive and can be worth checking out if you’re looking for something different in your search for love.

David Tian

David Tian is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. He has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since his college days, when he first became interested in the world of digital romance. A graduate from Harvard University, David's education gave him insight into how relationships work both offline and online - something that helped shape his career path as an authority figure in the field of modern day courtship. His academic background also allowed him to gain valuable knowledge about human psychology which he applies to help others navigate through their romantic lives more effectively. With over 10 years' experience under his belt, David now shares this expertise by providing helpful advice via blog posts or podcasts on topics such as building healthy relationships, creating meaningful connections with potential partners using technology-based tools like video chat or social media platforms; all while emphasizing safety measures one should take before meeting someone face-to-face for the first time. He has even written several books related to finding success in virtual matchmaking! In addition to being a published author who regularly contributes articles for major publications including The Huffington Post & Elite Daily Magazine; David runs seminars across North America where attendees can learn tips & tricks directly from him regarding how they can make their own experiences better when it comes to seeking out new romances either locally or abroad!

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