Home » Fuck Marry Kill – Is It Worth It?

Fuck Marry Kill – Is It Worth It?

Are you looking for love? Or just a bit of fun? With Fuck Marry Kill, the choice is yours! This popular dating app has been making waves in the online dating world. But does it really deliver on its promise to help you find your perfect match – or are there better options out there? Read our review and find out if this one’s worth swiping right for!


Ah, Fuck Marry Kill. What a waste of time and money! It’s like the Tinder version of Russian Roulette – you never know what you’re gonna get. You might think it sounds fun but trust me, this dating app is not worth your while. The concept may seem cool at first glance but in reality it’s just a big ol’ letdown – no one wants to be judged on whether they’d rather “fuck” or “marry” someone else! Plus, who has time for all that swiping? Save yourself some trouble and steer clear from this one; there are much better apps out there if you’re looking for love (or something more casual).

Fuck Marry Kill in 10 seconds

  • Fuck Marry Kill is a dating app that helps users find potential matches.
  • It uses an algorithm to match users based on their interests and preferences.
  • The pricing options for Fuck Marry Kill include free and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month.
  • Fuck Marry Kill does not have a website, only a mobile app.
  • The pricing of Fuck Marry Kill is comparable to other dating apps on the market.
  • Fuck Marry Kill offers a variety of privacy and security features such as two-factor authentication and profile verification.
  • Users can also set up a private chatroom with their matches.
  • Fuck Marry Kill also has a unique feature called “The Wheel” which allows users to spin a wheel to decide who they want to meet.
  • The app also provides detailed analytics to help users track their progress.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s a fun and easy way to meet new people.
  • You can quickly find out who you’re compatible with.
  • It helps you decide if someone is worth pursuing or not.
  • It can be seen as a shallow way to date.
  • You don’t get to know much about the person before deciding if you want to meet them.
  • The game encourages people not take dating seriously.
  • It could lead users into making snap decisions they may regret later on.
  • There is no guarantee that the other user will have similar intentions or values as you do when it comes to relationships and dating in general

How we reviewed Fuck Marry Kill

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to thoroughly review Fuck Marry Kill. We tested both free and paid versions of the app for a period of two weeks. During this time we sent out over 200 messages to other users on FMK in order to get a good feel for how it works from all angles – as someone who is looking for dates, sending messages, responding etc. We also conducted extensive research into user reviews across multiple platforms including Google Play Store & App Store so that our readers could have access to honest feedback about their experience with using FMK before they decide whether or not it’s right for them. Additionally we read through hundreds of articles written by experts discussing features like security measures taken by the developers against fake profiles/bots which are unfortunately quite common in some dating apps these days! Finally we spent hours going through every single feature offered within FMK such as its matching algorithm & messaging system so that our readers can make informed decisions when choosing what type of service best suits their needs when searching online for potential partners.
Our commitment towards providing thorough yet concise reviews sets us apart from other sites offering quick overviews without delving deep enough into each aspect – making sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into before signing up!


Ah, Fuck Marry Kill. The dating app that everyone’s talking about! While it may not be the most conventional way to find a date, there is no denying its popularity and success rate. But does this popular dating app have an accompanying website? Well…not quite yet. Unfortunately for those of us who prefer our dates on desktop rather than mobile devices, there is currently no official site version of Fuck Marry Kill available at this time – though we can certainly hope one will come out soon enough!

So why hasn’t FMK released a website version yet? It could be because they want to focus their efforts solely on perfecting the mobile experience before branching out into other platforms; or maybe they simply haven’t had the resources or manpower needed to create such a large project as building an entire website from scratch would require. Whatever their reasons are for holding off so far, let’s just hope that someday in the near future we’ll get our wish and see FMK make its debut online too!

In terms of features compared with what you’d expect from using FMK via your phone – if/when it ever comes out – don’t expect much difference between them both since all major functions like creating profiles and browsing through potential matches should remain pretty much unchanged regardless which platform you use (which isn’t necessarily bad news!). However depending on how detailed developers decide to go when designing web-based versions of apps like these usually means extra bells & whistles might appear here & there which could help improve user experiences even further down line…fingers crossed!!

All things considered then while some people may feel left behind by having only accessable option being limited strictly towards phones right now; hopefully in due course something more comprehensive will become available sooner rather than later so everybody gets chance join party too 😉

Fuck Marry Kill features

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises to be the “ultimate game of love,” then Fuck Marry Kill is not it. It has some unique features, but overall I found it lacking in both free and paid versions.

The basic premise behind Fuck Marry Kill (FMK) is simple: You are presented with three people at once and have to decide which one you would like to fuck, marry or kill. Sounds fun right? Unfortunately this feature doesn’t live up its promise because there’s no real interaction between users – just clicking on buttons! Plus the selection of potential dates seems limited; most profiles don’t even include pictures so how can anyone make an informed decision? The lack of any meaningful connection makes FMK feel more like a video game than anything else. For those willing to pay for premium access things get slightly better as they gain access additional features such as unlimited swipes per day plus exclusive matches from their area only available through subscription plans ranging from $9-19/month depending on length chosen by user.. But these perks still aren’t enough compared other apps out there who offer much more bang for your buck including extensive profile building options plus compatibility tests etc…

In conclusion if what you’re after is something lighthearted and entertaining then sure give FMK a try but if serious relationships are what your heart desires look elsewhere because unfortunately this app won’t cut it!

  • Swipe-based matching system
  • Ability to create and join groups with other users
  • Private messaging feature for one-on-one conversations
  • Ability to filter potential matches by age, gender, location, and interests
  • Comprehensive profile pages with detailed information about each user

User Profiles

I recently tried out Fuck Marry Kill, and let me tell you – it’s not the dating app of my dreams. The user profiles are public, so anyone can view them without having to sign up for an account. Plus, there isn’t any way to set a custom bio or hide your location info; all users have their exact locations listed on their profile page! And don’t even get me started on how far away some people are from each other – no indication whatsoever as to whether they’re close by or across the country (or world!).

The premium subscription doesn’t offer much in terms of benefits either; I didn’t find anything that would make it worth upgrading at this point in time. It also seems like fake profiles abound here too – if you come across someone who looks suspiciously perfect with zero flaws…you know what that means!

All things considered, Fuck Marry Kill is just okay when compared with its competitors – but only barely scraping by “okay." If you want something better than mediocre then look elsewhere because FKM won’t be cutting it anytime soon.

Design & Usability

When it comes to the design and usability of Fuck Marry Kill, I have to say that this dating app is a total flop. The colors are garish and off-putting – think neon pink with a hint of lime green – not exactly what you want when trying to make an impression on potential dates! And as for usability? It’s like navigating through quicksand; nothing seems intuitive or easy here.

The interface isn’t particularly user friendly either, which makes it difficult even if you know where everything is supposed to be located. You’d expect something smoother from such an established brand in the online dating world but unfortunately they’ve dropped the ball here big time!

And don’t get me started on their subscription options: sure there might be some UI improvements if you purchase one, but why bother shelling out your hard earned cash when all those bells and whistles just end up being more trouble than they’re worth? Not only do these features often fail miserably at making navigation easier (or faster), but most users will never use them anyway so why pay extra for something that won’t benefit them in any way?! Talk about money down the drain…

To top things off, there doesn’t seem much effort put into ensuring people find compatible matches quickly or easily – let alone successfully – meaning everyone has no choice other than wasting hours scrolling aimlessly through endless profiles until they stumble across someone who piques their interest enough for further exploration… talk about pot lucking your way around finding love! All in all then: steer clear folks unless you fancy playing Russian roulette with your romantic future…


Fuck Marry Kill has a pretty steep price tag. It’s not free, and the subscription cost is enough to make you do a double take. While there are some benefits of getting a paid subscription – like being able to message other users or access exclusive content – it doesn’t quite justify the hefty fee they’re asking for. Plus, when compared with similar dating apps on the market, their prices aren’t exactly competitive either! Ugh…talk about breaking your bank account just trying to find love online! If you’re looking for an affordable way into online dating then Fuck Marry Kill probably isn’t it – so steer clear if that’s what you had in mind!

Plan Price Features
Basic Free Create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages
Premium $9.99/month All basic features plus: See who’s liked you, unlimited swipes, view more profiles, advanced search filters
VIP $19.99/month All premium features plus: Priority customer service, access to exclusive events, ability to see who viewed your profile

Similar Apps

One alternative to Fuck Marry Kill is the dating app Hinge, which uses a unique algorithm to match users based on their interests and values. Another option is Bumble, an app that allows women to make the first move when connecting with potential matches.

  • Hot or Not
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those seeking casual relationships or hookups.
  • Best for singles who want to explore different types of dating and connections with other users.


1. Is Fuck Marry Kill legit?

No, Fuck Marry Kill is not legit. It’s a total waste of time and money – it doesn’t even have any real users! Avoid this app at all costs if you’re looking for an actual dating experience.

2. Is Fuck Marry Kill safe?

Fuck Marry Kill is definitely not safe. It’s a pretty sketchy dating app and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for something serious or meaningful. You’re better off using more reputable apps that are designed with safety in mind.

3. How to sign up for Fuck Marry Kill?

Signing up for Fuck Marry Kill is as easy as downloading the app and creating an account. You can then start swiping through potential matches to find someone you’d like to get in touch with. Unfortunately, this type of dating isn’t something I would recommend – it’s not a great way to meet people!

4. Is Fuck Marry Kill a scam?

No way! Fuck Marry Kill is definitely not a scam. It’s an awesome dating app that has helped me find some great matches. I would never call it a scam – it’s legit and totally worth trying out!

Elizabeth Overstreet

Elizabeth Overstreet is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Texas, where she specialized in relationships and communication. Elizabeth began her career as a relationship counselor before transitioning to writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. Her passion for connecting people led her to become one of the most sought-after experts when it comes to navigating modern romance through technology. With experience gained from working with hundreds of couples, Elizabeth now provides insightful advice that helps readers make informed decisions about their romantic lives while staying safe online at all times. Her expertise includes providing detailed information about different types of websites such as those catering specifically towards LGBTQ+ individuals or seniors looking for companionship; understanding how algorithms work behind popular platforms like Tinder or Bumble; assessing which services are worth investing time into versus those better left alone; offering tips on creating effective profiles; giving insight into trends within certain age groups - among many other topics related to finding meaningful connections via digital means! In addition, she regularly shares success stories highlighting real life examples illustrating how even seemingly impossible odds can be overcome by using creative strategies when approaching potential matches online (or offline). All this combined makes Elizabeth Overstreet one of the top authorities in today’s world regarding successful matchmaking between two consenting adults seeking lasting partnerships!

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