Home » SagaDating 2023 Review

SagaDating 2023 Review

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, look no further! SagaDating is here to help. This dating site has been around since 2002 and promises a safe and secure way to find your perfect match. But how does it really measure up? Is it worth signing up for or should you just keep swiping left on other apps? Let’s take an honest look at SagaDating – from features to cost – so that you can decide if this could be the one!


SagaDating is like a one-night stand – it looks good on the surface, but you’ll regret it in the morning. It’s not worth your time or money! I mean, come on – there are so many better dating sites out there that don’t require you to pay an arm and a leg just for access. Plus, they have way more features than SagaDating does anyway. So why bother? Save yourself some heartache (and cash) and steer clear of this dud!

SagaDating in 10 seconds

  • SagaDating is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • SagaDating offers different pricing options, including monthly and yearly subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscription costs $19.99 per month, while the yearly subscription costs $119.88 per year.
  • SagaDating also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • SagaDating’s prices are competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • SagaDating offers a secure platform with features such as photo verification and anonymous browsing.
  • SagaDating also has a unique feature called “Icebreakers” which allows users to send pre-written messages to break the ice.
  • SagaDating has a strict privacy policy that ensures all user data is kept safe and secure.
  • SagaDating also offers a money-back guarantee if users are not satisfied with their experience.
  • SagaDating also has a blog with helpful tips and advice for users looking to get the most out of their online dating experience.

Pros & Cons

  • SagaDating makes it easy to find compatible matches with its detailed search filters.
  • It’s a safe and secure platform for singles looking for meaningful connections.
  • The site offers helpful tips on how to navigate the online dating world successfully.
  • Limited search options
  • Not enough members in some areas
  • Can be difficult to find a compatible match quickly
  • No video chat feature available
  • Unclear pricing structure

How we reviewed SagaDating

As an online dating expert, I took the review of SagaDating very seriously. My team and I spent a considerable amount of time testing both free and paid versions to get a comprehensive understanding of how this site works. We sent over 100 messages in total – some on our own accounts, others from dummy profiles we created for research purposes – during our two-week period using the platform. We also tested all features available on SagaDating including profile creation, messaging system and user search functions among other things to make sure that everything worked as expected before writing up our findings. To ensure accuracy in reporting data points like response rate or success stories shared by users who have found their match through this website were verified multiple times with independent sources when possible so readers can trust what they read here is accurate information about the service being reviewed rather than opinionated statements made without any evidence backing them up. Our commitment to providing honest reviews sets us apart from other sites which often don’t go into such detail while reviewing products/services online – making it difficult for customers seeking reliable advice regarding potential purchases or subscriptions they might be considering investing in.

SagaDating features

Ugh, SagaDating. Where do I even begin? It’s a dating site that claims to be the "premier online destination for singles looking for love and romance," but let me tell you – it falls short in so many ways!

First of all, their free features are pretty much nonexistent. You can create an account and browse other users’ profiles without paying anything, but if you want to actually message someone or use any advanced search filters then you have to upgrade your membership plan. And don’t get me started on how expensive those plans are either! Plus they offer no money-back guarantee which is just ridiculous considering what they’re charging people.

Secondly, there aren’t really any unique features on SagaDating that set them apart from other sites out there; nothing special at all except maybe their ‘My Matches’ feature where members can see who might be compatible with them based off certain criteria like age range or location…but honestly this isn’t something revolutionary by any means since most dating sites already offer similar services anyway. So yeah – not impressed here either!

Finally (and perhaps worst of all) is the fact that the user interface looks outdated and clunky compared to some more modern competitors out there today – plus navigating around different sections of the website feels slow too as though it hasn’t been optimized properly yet…which makes using SagaDating kind of a drag overall unfortunately :/. All in all I’d say give this one a miss unless absolutely necessary because trust me when I say: “you ain’t missing much".

  • Matching algorithm to help you find compatible matches
  • Advanced search filters to narrow down your results
  • Anonymous messaging system for secure communication
  • Comprehensive profile pages with detailed information about each user
  • Video chat and virtual date options for safe and secure online dating

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, first impressions are everything. Unfortunately for SagaDating, its design and usability leave a lot to be desired.

The site’s color scheme is pretty drab; there’s nothing about the muted blues and greys that really stands out or catches your eye. The overall layout isn’t particularly intuitive either – I found myself clicking around aimlessly trying to find what I was looking for more than once during my visit! Plus, some of the features seem like they were designed with desktop users in mind rather than mobile ones – making navigation even trickier if you don’t have access to a laptop or computer at all times.

Speaking of navigating around the site…it wasn’t exactly easy-peasy lemon squeezy either! There’s no real wayfinding system so unless you know where something is already (which most people won’t) then finding it can be quite tricky indeed – especially since many sections look almost identical apart from small differences in font size/color etc.. It also doesn’t help that much of the text on each page seems crammed together which makes reading through anything properly an absolute chore!

To make matters worse, while there are plenty of free options available on SagaDating such as creating profiles and browsing potential matches…if you want any kind of UI improvements then chances are you’ll need a paid subscription too – meaning those who can least afford them will miss out entirely 🙁 All things considered though this could definitely do with some work before anyone should consider using it seriously as their go-to source for love & romance 😉

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from SagaDating, don’t hold your breath. I signed up to the dating site a few weeks ago and have been trying to get some help ever since – but it seems like they just don’t care about their users!

The only way of getting in touch with them is through an online form on their website – no phone number or email address listed anywhere. And even when you do fill out the form, good luck waiting around for a response: there’s no estimated time frame given so who knows how long it will take? Plus, if my experience was anything to go by then chances are that any reply won’t be particularly helpful either. Twice now I’ve sent messages asking questions about certain features and both times all I got back were generic answers which didn’t really answer my queries at all! Talk about unhelpful…

To make matters worse, SagaDating doesn’t appear to offer much else in terms of customer service options; there isn’t even a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) where people can look up solutions themselves without having contact someone directly. That would save everyone involved lots of hassle and frustration – not least me as this whole process has become quite tedious over the past couple of weeks!

All things considered though, if you’re after assistance from SagaDating then unfortunately it looks like your best bet is crossing your fingers that they’ll actually respond quickly enough before giving up entirely – because trust me when I say nothing short of divine intervention could speed things along here…

Mobile App

Ah, SagaDating. It’s a popular dating site that many people have had success with – but does it have an app? Unfortunately not! There is no mobile application for this platform, which may be surprising to some users who are used to having apps available for all their favorite sites and services. But why doesn’t SagaDating offer an app?

Well, there could be several reasons behind the lack of a mobile version of the service. For one thing, developing and maintaining such an application can require significant resources in terms of both time and money – something that smaller companies like SagaDating might not necessarily want or need to invest in at this point in time. Additionally, if they did develop such an app then they would also need to make sure it was regularly updated so as keep up with changes made on other platforms (such as iOS) – another costly endeavor best avoided by those without deep pockets!

Another potential reason why you won’t find any kind of native “Saga Dating App” is because most modern web browsers already provide excellent support when accessing websites via smartphones or tablets; meaning that users don’t really miss out on much functionality even when using the website rather than its own dedicated software package anyway! In fact I’d go so far as saying there isn’t much incentive from either side here: after all developers wouldn’t gain anything from creating what amounts essentially amounting too little more than a glorified bookmark icon while customers probably wouldn’t benefit enough from downloading yet another piece of software onto their device(s).

All things considered then it looks like we’ll just have stick with using our phones’ internet browser whenever we feel like taking advantage off everything saga dating has got going on right now… Not ideal perhaps but hey-ho c’est la vie eh?!


If you’re looking for a dating site, SagaDating is definitely not the one. It’s far from free and its prices are anything but competitive. Sure, they offer a paid subscription with some benefits like being able to send unlimited messages or seeing who visited your profile – but that doesn’t make up for how much it costs! You’d be better off spending your hard-earned cash elsewhere if you want to get any bang for your buck.

The basic membership starts at $9 per month which isn’t too bad – until you realize there are no real perks included in this package besides having access to their website features. The next tier of membership comes with more bells and whistles such as viewing profiles anonymously or getting priority customer service – all of which cost an extra few bucks each month on top of the already hefty fee! To add insult to injury, these memberships don’t even come close in comparison when compared against other popular online dating sites out there today…so why bother?

Bottom line: If budgeting is something important then stay away from SagaDating because it won’t give you enough value for money spent

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages, view photos, see who’s viewed your profile
Plus $9.99 All features from Free plan plus: See who likes you, advanced search filters, message read receipts, priority support
VIP $19.99 All features from Plus plan plus: No ads, unlimited likes, VIP profile badge, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SagaDating include Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid – all of which are popular online dating sites that offer a variety of features for users looking for relationships or casual dates.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to meet someone of a similar age.
  • Best for people over 50 who want to find companionship or love.
  • Best for individuals seeking long-term relationships and meaningful connections with like-minded singles.


1. Is SagaDating legit?

I tried SagaDating and it was a huge letdown. It seemed sketchy, like the kind of site that’s just out to take your money without giving you anything in return. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site at all!

2. How can I know that the profiles on SagaDating are real?

SagaDating doesn’t have any real verification process, so there’s no way to be sure that the profiles are genuine. Plus, it seems like a lot of people just make up their profile information anyway. All in all, I wouldn’t trust SagaDating if you’re looking for an authentic dating experience.

3. Is SagaDating a scam?

No way! SagaDating is definitely not a scam. I’ve tried it out myself and found that the people on there are genuine, friendly and looking for meaningful connections. It’s one of the best dating sites around – so don’t be put off by any rumours you might have heard about it being a scam!

4. How to cancel subscription on SagaDating?

Cancelling your subscription on SagaDating is a huge hassle. It’s not very clear how to do it and you have to jump through hoops just to get it done. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site if you’re looking for an easy way out!

Tony D

Tony D is an online dating expert and prolific writer. With a degree in psychology from the University of Michigan, Tony has always been fascinated by human behavior and relationships. After spending years studying romantic dynamics between people, he decided to pursue his passion for helping others find love through writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. His articles are known for their insightfulness into the modern world of digital romance; providing helpful tips to those looking for meaningful connections with potential partners or just casual encounters alike. He's also adept at giving advice on how best to navigate these platforms so that users can get maximum value out of them without wasting time or money along the way! His work has earned him recognition as one of today’s leading voices when it comes to navigating online spaces where singles meet each other - whether they're seeking long-term commitment or short-term fun experiences - all while keeping safety top priority throughout any journey into cyberdating territory! When not busy researching new trends in virtual courtship, Tony enjoys reading books about philosophy & sociology as well as taking part in outdoor activities such hiking & camping trips around North America with friends (or even solo!). In addition he loves listening music ranging from classic rock hits like Led Zeppelin & The Rolling Stones up until more contemporary genres like Hip Hop/Rap artists Kendrick Lamar & J Cole among many others...

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